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Solstice Soirée Dinner Tickets

Sale price$300.00

Cruickston Park welcomes you to an unforgettable dinner soirée as we celebrate the transition from spring to summer.  It is designed to be a bold, yet elegant affair.  ‘Maximalist’ is the dress theme which infers a blend of sophistication, boldness, colours, patterns.  It’s intended to be expressive.  It’s an event for the confident, curious personality who dares to ‘live life’ to the fullest.

The evening will be held at the Stone Cottage. This is the house that was used to entertain the inner circle of friends of the Wilks family.  Homer Watson was counted among them, as was Paul Wickson - noted Canadian artists of their time.  It’s an appropriate setting for Cruickston Park’s debut dinner event as we welcome our guests as close intimates of approximately 20 people.

Our event will commence indoors at 6pm sharp starting with a cocktail while being entertained by a live jazz trio who will continue to play throughout the evening.  Richmond Station will be contributing to the evening’s entertainment by creating canapés to the crowd’s content.

Dinner will be served on the covered porch with wine pairing for each of the three courses.

The porch was redesigned in the 1940’s to remind the Wilks family of their London home on the exclusive Camden Street, adjacent to Buckingham Palace, depicting elegant English lifestyles of the previous decade.

Join us for this extraordinary event which we hope to be the first of many.



Date of Dinner: June 22, 2024

Time: 6:00pm

Maximum Dinner-Only Seats Available: 4

Dress Theme: “Maximalist”

Parking Available  

Solstice Soirée Dinner Tickets
Solstice Soirée Dinner Tickets Sale price$300.00